USB2.0 Y Cable- 2 A Male to Mini-B 5Pin Male Compatible with all devices with Mini 5pin USB port
- #35150525121454
- Cena : €0,84
- Predávané : 298 ( 13 transakcie )
- Priemerné Hodnotenie
- 2 Recenzie
- 14.11.2015
- Kupujúci NEOLIE****
- This cable is not easy to buy now, price is reasonable and cable quality is also good.
Dátum Nákupu: 24.10.2015 Množstve: 20 ksCena: USD $0.65 -
- 25.10.2015
- Kupujúci Julian****
- I bought this cable several times from another websit, This cable is good and stable.
Dátum Nákupu: 26.09.2015 Množstve: 10 ksCena: USD $0.66
1 - 2celkem2recenzie.